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France cuts bullfighting from cultural heritage list

Anti-bullfighting campaigners in France were cheering on Friday after a French court ruled that the tradition of “La Corrida” should indeed be taken off the national list of cultural heritage. Although it’s unlikely to be banned anytime soon.

Corrida was added to the French Ministry of Culture’s list of “intangible heritage” to much controversy back in 2011, before they removed any mention of it from their website amid a huge hullaballoo.

Animal rights campaigners wanted it withdrawn completely but an appeal court ruled that in the minds of judges it was already done and considered that bullfighting had been annulled from the heritage list.

Roger Lahaha, vice president of the animal rights group CRAC Europe described the decision as “an immense victory”. “It is one more step towards the abolition of a barbarism that belongs to another age,” he said.

But they may have a long way to go before they see it banned in France, especially with Spanish born Manuel Valls – a keen fan of bullfighting – now the country’s Prime Minister.

France cuts bullfighting from cultural heritage list