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The doctor spoke about the dangers of pain medications

Painkillers containing codeine are hazardous to health if used carelessly. Pharmacist Julia Guerrini spoke about this in an interview with the British Daily Express.

“Although codeine-based drugs are available without a prescription, drugs should not be taken for more than three days. I recommend using it only if absolutely necessary, ”she explained.

Frequent use of codeine can damage the liver, kidneys, or cause acute pancreatitis, she said. Guerrini also stressed that addiction to such a drug also threatens addiction. Excess medication can also cause long-term mental problems.

“Certain parts of the brain can be damaged, which leads to an increased risk of developing chronic depression and anxiety,” she said.

Earlier, therapist, immunologist Irina Yartseva said that self-prophylaxis of possible blood clots after COVID-19 can lead to strokes.

The doctor spoke about the dangers of pain medications