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Experts talked about the advantages of taking a driver's license in winter

Renting out your license in winter has several advantages over renting it out at other times of the year when there is no snow on the streets. Car instructors of the SberServices service and SberAuto experts spoke about the advantages of winter training in driving skills.

According to experts, taking a license in winter is no more difficult than at any other time of the year: the instructor will adjust the style of the novice driver for specific weather conditions, so the student will have the necessary driving experience for the exam.

Moreover, in winter, the student will immediately learn all the nuances of driving and will gain an advantage over those who studied in the summer - for example, the ability to take into account the increased stopping distance and early locking of the wheels when braking - and will also acquire the skills of driving on different surfaces, be it dry asphalt , ice or packed snow.

Another plus of passing on a license in winter was called the fact that at this time the cars move slower and more accurately than in summer - drivers rarely go to overtake and cut short, so you can move calmly at a speed that is comfortable for you.

Finally, in winter, the groups of pupils in driving schools are less crowded, so more attention is paid to each student in theoretical lessons and driving lessons.

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Experts talked about the advantages of taking a driver's license in winter