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Officials were obliged to carry out the road, even if there is only one person in the village

Russia ( - A court in the Pskov region ordered officials to build roads to two villages. Each of them contains one resident. But in the hot summer season, the population sometimes grows up to ten people.

Without exaggeration: the court made a decision of state importance. In fact, he obliged officials to radically change their way of thinking and begin to appreciate each person. Yes: so far, the matter concerns only officials of the Dedovichi district of the region. However, I would like to believe that such legal positions will be supported by the country's courts.

The prosecutor's office succeeded in instructing the clerks on the right path. It was she who filed a claim with the court. And this is also extremely important: lonely people in villages receive powerful support at the state level.

“In support of the claim, it was indicated that the prosecutor’s office carried out an audit of the implementation of legislation in the areas of road safety, on highways and road activities,” says the joint press service of the courts of the Pskov region. federal legislation ".

The violations consisted in the fact that a number of local roads were in poor condition. Meanwhile, it was the municipal authorities who were responsible for these roads. Officials' excuses were typical: no money. And the citizens' bosses were sincerely convinced that there was no point in spending government money on small villages.

"The work on the repair of roads and their arrangement is expensive and the district administration cannot allocate enough funds for their repair and maintenance due to the budget deficit," the court cites the arguments of the defendant. man, less than 10 summer residents live in the villages in the summer, and it is inappropriate to equip the road in accordance with GOST. "

There is a whole bureaucratic philosophy behind this "inexpedient". They say, a man does not sound proud enough. Of course, if this is a simple person, and not some boss. According to this logic, concrete ordinary people are not important, but the social scale is important. However, there is no calculation of how many people should begin to suffer for officials to recognize the problem as a problem. One thousand? Ten thousand? Million?

It somehow happened that many people in responsible positions began to confuse state thinking with commercial thinking. Even a term appeared - optimization. As if the municipal administration is a commercial company, for which caring for people is a non-core activity that leads to losses. Therefore, hospitals are being closed in small villages. Then schools. Something else. And so life gradually leaves the village. And then it turns out that the road there is not needed either. This is how the administration "optimizes" life in the entrusted territory.

The road must comply with GOST, even if it leads to a sparsely populated village There are a lot of such stories throughout the country. For example, in one of the districts of the Kostroma region, the administration refused to drill a well in a small village so that people could live there all year round. Residents, who today only spend the summer in the village, asked to help with the well, since due to natural features they could not do it on their own. The appeal specifically indicated that they intend to live in the village all year round. But in response, people were told no. The arguments are about the same: it is allegedly unprofitable to maintain, let alone revive, life in a small village.

Officials need to end up with this kind of commercial logic. Everywhere.

The court in the Pskov region confirmed this.

"After listening to the parties and examining the written materials of the case, the court satisfied the prosecutor's demands, obliging the administration of the Dedovichi district, by June 30, 2022, to repair and equip these highways in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on road safety," the joint press service said. courts of the Pskov region.

Confirmations come from other regions as well. For example, in the Perm Territory, the prosecutor's office judicially obliged officials to repair a flooded section of the road leading to a small village.

"It has been established that along the bank of the Sylva River, there is a section of a public road from Mecha village to Lopikha village of Kishert Okrug, which annually during the spring flood is susceptible to flooding," the official website of the Perm Territory Prosecutor's Office says. no measures were taken to exclude cases of its flooding, in connection with which the prosecutor appealed to the court with a statement on imposing the obligation on the local government to repair a section of the road, raise the level of the roadbed. The Kungursk city court of the Perm region satisfied the prosecutor's claims.According to open data, 11 people live in the village of Lopaiha. Each of them is valuable. So the decisions in the Pskov Region and the Perm Territory are not an accident, but a new practice.

By the way, back in the spring of this year, the Supreme Court of Russia, in its review of judicial practice, made important explanations on how to consider claims of citizens to recognize as illegal the inaction of officials, expressed in the improper maintenance of a local highway. Now these legal positions are being implemented in practice throughout the country. In particular, in one of the decisions, the Supreme Court of Russia specifically indicated that officials are obliged to monitor the condition of the roads, regardless of the length of the path. In that case, the road seemed too short to local officials - less than a kilometer. But GOST makes no exceptions for short roads. Citizens' chiefs should not make such exceptions.

Of course, money in the municipal treasury does not magically appear. But no one expects officials to pick up shovels and come to patch holes. In each case, the clerks are required to start doing at least something: include the road in the plan, think about how to put the primer in order. And then the problems will be gradually solved.


Sparsely populated areas should not be left without communication either. Last year, a law was adopted that provides for the provision of sparsely populated areas (with a population of 100-500 people) with access points to the Internet and mobile services. According to experts, you can complain to the prosecutor's office even if the Internet speed is lower than the norm.

Officials were obliged to carry out the road, even if there is only one person in the village