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Research: half of Russians consider switching to freelance

About half of Russians (46%) are considering the possibility of full freelancing from their main job. Izvestia writes about this with reference to the research of and SberNPF.

According to the newspaper, in Russia one third of citizens work without registration in the state or in a similar way. Now for every sixth freelancer is the main source of income and employment.

The survey showed that most freelancers earn only up to 15 thousand rubles a month, and only 11% manage to cross the threshold of 50 thousand rubles.

Nevertheless, 46% of citizens declare their desire to switch to this type of employment. Those who prefer office work in the state indicated that they are worried about a low pension in the future, loss of income and inability to get a mortgage or consumer loans in freelancing.

Also in the course of the study, it turned out that every third company uses the services of freelancers. Experts told Izvestia that the trend towards alternative forms of employment will only grow stronger in the coming years.

Earlier, the Ministry of Labor listed the leading regions for remote control. Throughout Russia, about 5% of employees work in a remote format today.

Research: half of Russians consider switching to freelance