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Three classic symptoms of early disease with the omicron strain

Russia ( - Those infected with the new omicron coronavirus strain at an early stage note the appearance of fever and cough, as well as loss of smell. At the same time, without a PCR test, it is still impossible to clearly distinguish the early manifestations of COVID-19 from the classic cold.

This is the conclusion reached by the developers of the Zoe Tracker application, which monitors the state of those infected with coronavirus in the UK. Experts carried out a comparative analysis of data for October, when the incidence of delta in the country prevailed, and data for December, when the incidence of omicron increased.

"The analysis did not reveal a clear difference between the symptoms of delta and omicron, while only 50% of people complain of three classic symptoms: fever, cough, and loss of smell or taste," the developers of the application report. symptoms later include runny nose, headache, fatigue, sneezing and sore throat. Loss of appetite and headaches have also been reported. "

While data from the Zoe app show that there is no increase in hospital admissions for omicron infection compared to the wave of delta infections, the developers emphasize that the picture may change within a few weeks, since complications usually appear a little later.

The omicron strain was first discovered in southern Africa in mid-November and has since expanded rapidly in the United States and Great Britain. In the United Kingdom, it was reported about 10 thousand infected over the weekend. So far, 30 cases of omicron infection have been identified in Russia.

Three classic symptoms of early disease with the omicron strain