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Botox creator Alan Scott dies at 90

In California, at the age of 90, ophthalmologist Alan Scott, who began to use botulinum toxin (Botox) for medical purposes, died. It is reported by The Washington Post.

According to the publication, Scott died in a California hospital on December 16. According to his daughter, the death occurred as a result of complications from sepsis.

The use of botox for cosmetic purposes in 2002 was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. Botulinum toxin was originally used as a biological weapon during World War II, as it led to muscle paralysis and death. When the toxin became available to Scott, he began using it to treat strabismus. When the substance began to be used in cosmetology to eliminate wrinkles and about 11 million people took advantage of the procedure, the ophthalmologist was very surprised.

Botox creator Alan Scott dies at 90