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Swearing and hitting the desk: a student of the Khabarovsk school spoke about the conflicts of the physicist with children

A physics teacher from a Khabarovsk school who threw a student out of the classroom with foul language is not the first time he comes into conflict with children. One of the teacher's students spoke about this, providing an audio recording on which you can hear a man swearing at one of the lessons. According to her, the teacher often cursed, and once even hit the student with his head on the table.

“To be honest, I don’t understand why he was made a physics teacher when he was teaching the boys. Such an unpleasant incident happened to me that when I asked questions, they just answered me very rudely and did not answer the question. Due to the fact that my classmates were talking, he just started yelling [at the student] obscenities. In the end, he just took it and hit him on the desk with his head, this is as awful as possible, ”the student shared.

According to the girl, the teaching staff is aware of the complaints against the teacher. Soon, some parents are planning to discuss the issue with the director.

“I don’t want to say anything bad about teachers, but my class [teacher] is the deputy director for child management and she knows all about it. I do not know why nothing is being done when this situation was and before that. He was already fined for this. My classmate's mom and my mom will soon go to the director to sort out this situation. I am not eager to attend these lessons, ”she said.

The student noted that schoolchildren sometimes really make noise in the classroom, but the teacher prefers to solve the issue on his own, rather than contact the school leadership.

“I understand that students may behave horribly, disrespectfully, but the teacher must have a measure. The measure is to know what to do and how to do it. If you do not like the student, then write a memo on him and take him to the director, there is no problem with that. I don't understand this. Our teacher of literature and Russian endures everything, very rarely shouts. Why can't he do the same? By itself, on the whole, the teacher is good, but in some situations it is a horror of horror, ”she concluded.

The director of the school where the teacher teaches declined to comment on the situation, referring to the parent meeting.

Earlier, the public "PE Khabarovsk" in "VKontakte" posted a video where a physics teacher from one of the local schools, shouting and using foul language, pressed the student against the wall, and then grabbed the hand and kicked him out of the office.

The regional SU of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported that after the publication of the record, a check was started. In the Department of Education of the Khabarovsk Territory, the publication "360" was told that they were keeping the situation under control and would hold a parent meeting for the proceedings.

Swearing and hitting the desk: a student of the Khabarovsk school spoke about the conflicts of the physicist with children