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The doctor spoke about the impact of procrastination on a person at the end of the year

Doctor, candidate of medical sciences, medical director of LLC "Invitro-Rostov-on-Don" Svetlana Mashkova said that the end of the year and the New Year's bustle often require strength and nerves from a person, because of this, many postpone the solution of matters and issues - they procrastinate that increases stress and anxiety. This was reported by RIA Novosti.

“For anxiety, including on New Year's Eve, procrastination is characteristic, that is, postponing things for later, at the last moment. Gradually, there is an accumulation of these unfinished business and in the future a feeling of horror from their number and the fact that nothing will be done on time. This is characterized by a lack of will to change the situation. There is also disorder of actions and mood swings, apathy often develops, ”Mashkova said.

According to her, physical discomfort is added to the psychological discomfort in such situations.

The doctor advised getting adequate sleep, proper nutrition and moderate exercise to prevent stress.

Earlier, New Zealand experts from the University of Otago found that the lack of a deadline increases the likelihood of defeating procrastination and completing the task as soon as possible.

The doctor spoke about the impact of procrastination on a person at the end of the year