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How to drink properly to avoid a hangover

A series of holidays and corporate parties in our country is inextricably linked with alcoholic beverages. And not everyone knows how to drink so as not to suffer from a hangover the next day. turned to doctors and bartenders with a request to explain how to celebrate the approach of the New Year and not wake up the next day with a feeling of deep regret about what was done the day before.

Don't drink on an empty stomach

The most important rule recommended by both doctors and bartenders is not to drink on an empty stomach. “Be sure to eat: drinking alcohol on an empty stomach increases the rate of intoxication and negatively affects the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract,” explains Margarita Makukha, nutritionist of the SberZdorovye medical online service.

In her opinion, it is best to choose foods rich in fatty acids, such as oily sea fish, avocados, green vegetables and nuts. And also slow carbohydrates - cereals and products from durum wheat.

“It should be remembered that eating only delays the rate of development of poisoning, but does not affect the final concentration of alcohol in the blood,” adds Raziyat Chupanova, a neurologist at the SberZdorovye online medical service.

Ilias Vasiliadis, brand bartender at Molon Lave restaurant, advises to have a hearty dinner a couple of hours before the party starts and warns that if you start drinking on an empty stomach, you can quickly get drunk and lose touch with reality. “On an empty stomach, alcohol is absorbed very quickly. But if you dine beforehand, eating in your stomach will slow down the rate at which alcohol enters your bloodstream, ”he explains.


The absorption of alcohol is best slowed down by hot fatty foods. But if your party does not imply a lavish feast with a change of dishes, then at least have a snack.

“During the meal, it is important to eat small meals, but often. Simply put - to have a snack, ”explains Svetlana Chernousova, chief bartender of Laduree a-la Russe restaurant.

Mikhail Klenchev, the chef-bartender of the "Kitayskaya gramota" restaurant, advises avoiding sweet foods during the meal. “Sugar has a profound effect on the degree of intoxication and on the state of the body in the morning,” he explains.

Avoid cocktails and sugary infusions

Cocktails are easy and beautiful to drink, but guarantee a quick intoxication and headache in the morning. First of all, we are talking about cocktails, which contain several strong alcoholic ingredients. For example, classic Long Island consists of tequila, vodka, rum, triple sec and gin, to which lemon juice and cola are added. Because of the soda and lemon, the cocktail is easy to drink - despite the fact that its strength is about 28 degrees.

“If you expect to drink long enough, you don't need to drink cocktails. The morning after them is much harder than after clean drinks, - warns Sergey Suslin, chef bartender of the Erwin restaurant.

He also advises against soda and sugary drinks, such as sparkling wine. “It is very easy for them to get drunk, and in the morning their head will split in half. Especially if it's sweet sparkling, ”the bartender warns. This, he said, also applies to complex cocktails based on sparkling wine, and simpler and folk whiskey and rum-cola.

But the worst hangover awaits those who go on an "alcohol trip" in the company of sweet liqueurs and liqueurs.

“Drinking sweet liqueurs or liqueurs is always a bad morning. Sugar in combination with alcohol always makes itself felt the next morning, ”warns Sergei Suslin.

Ilias Vasiliadis warns of the dangers of switching to sweet shots and infusions after pure drinks. “If you drank vodka all evening, and then abruptly switched to B-52 or Jägermeister, in the morning you will definitely pay off. Better to switch to tequila than go to sweet liqueurs, ”the bartender advises.

Alternate alcohol with water

To avoid a severe hangover in the morning, follow a simple rule - after each glass of alcohol, drink a glass of clean, still water. This will help the body maintain normal water-salt metabolism and cope with dehydration. In the case of strong drinks, Mikhail Klenchev recommends drinking at least 100-150 ml of water per 50 ml of pure alcohol.

At the same time, it is important to drink it down, and not to dilute it, says Ilias Vasiliadis. “I don’t advise you to dilute wine with water, this is a translation of the product. If you are going to drink a lot before the morning, alternate alcohol with water. This way, you may drink less alcohol and not be sick in the morning, ”explains the bartender.

Svetlana Chernousova recommends drinking water not only during alcoholic libations, but also before the start of the party and before going to bed.

What to drink and whether it is possible to mix

Doctors advise to stop drinking alcohol altogether, but if this is not possible, they recommend giving preference to light drinks without gases.“Carbonated drinks make you intoxicated faster, and dark alcohol contains additional ingredients that increase the toxic effects of alcohol on the body. Dry white wine, vodka or gin are less "hangover" than red wine, beer, whiskey, cognac, rum, "explains Margarita Makukha.

There is a popular opinion that it is possible to increase the degree, but not to lower it. Ilias Vasiliadis believes that the most important thing is not to mix drinks of different origins.

“Ideally, drink one thing all evening. If it doesn't work, at least don't jump from grape drinks to grain drinks, ”the bartender advises.

He explains that if you started the evening with wine, but you want something stronger, it also makes sense to continue with grape drinks - chacha, grappa or moonshine. But the law, in his opinion, is one - not to drink too much. “Only he rarely works. It's hard to say to yourself: “I’ll drink this much and I’ll stop and really stop,” the bartender admits.

According to Mikhail Klenchev, the basic rule when mixing drinks is not to go beyond the amount of sugar contained in alcohol. “For example, you can switch from vermouth to bourbon or cognac, but on the contrary it is already undesirable to do it,” he adds.

Sergey Suslin is of the opinion that it is best to initially choose one drink, no matter whether it is light or strong, and stick to it all evening, without switching to anything else. “And be sure to alternate with water. Then it will be much easier in the morning, ”he assures.

What to do if the morning is bad

Headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, anxiety, general weakness of the body are just some of the symptoms that you can face if you drink too much. Many are trying to ease a hangover with vitamins, dietary supplements and enterosorbents, however, according to doctors, this is unlikely to alleviate the condition.

"Vitamins, dietary supplements and enterosorbents have not proven their effectiveness in the prevention and treatment of alcohol poisoning," explains Raziyat Chupanova. According to her,

to date, there are no proven effective remedies at all that will help prevent intoxication or quickly get rid of it.

"The only guaranteed way to avoid unpleasant symptoms in the morning is to completely stop drinking or drink in moderation," the doctor concludes.

However, the effects of alcohol poisoning can be alleviated. To cope with a headache, you can take pain relievers or anti-inflammatory drugs by consulting your doctor. Margarita Makukha recommends sleeping more and providing access to fresh air. Sweets will raise blood sugar levels and give you strength. “Light physical activity will not hurt either, but it depends on how you feel,” she adds.

Bartender Svetlana Chernousova advises drinking more liquid with vitamin C. “Water or black tea with lemon, freshly squeezed orange juice - these drinks replenish fluid in the body,” says the bartender. She offers to improve her condition with the help of lemonade with the life-giving name "Josephine". To prepare, mix 50 ml of citrus tea, 50 ml of grapefruit juice, 50 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice, 20 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 130 ml of sparkling water.

Neurologist Raziyat Chupanova also told in which case it is worth to see a doctor.

“An ambulance should be called immediately if alcohol intake has led to clouding of consciousness, repeated vomiting, seizures, infrequent breathing - less than 8 breaths per minute, - loss of consciousness and fainting,” she says.

How to drink properly to avoid a hangover