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French organisation accused the 'United Russia' party of stealing the idea of 'flag for straights'

The French organization "La Manif Pour Tous", which flag was taken as the basis for the United Russia's symbol of heterosexuality, said they didn’t give permission to make use of it.

The head of the organization Lyudovin de la Roscher said it in an interview with BuzzFeed: "we learned about it from the press. I was shocked. We haven't allowed that," — she said.

Rauscher also noted that United Russia had distorted the meaning of the flag. It symbolizes the protection of children's rights, rather than a fight for heterosexual families.

Media reported about the appearance of a bisexual relations flag on July 8. The flag shows mother, father and three children holding adults' hands.

French organisation accused the 'United Russia' party of stealing the idea of 'flag for straights'