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Society News

Bikie gangs face toughest crackdown yet under South Australia's proposals

South Australia is poised to pass the country’s most restrictive anti-association laws after political opposition dissolved amid ongoing incidents of bikie violence.
The state Labor government has secured Liberal party support for a bill that from next week could see motorcycle gang “participants” jailed for up to three years for gathering in public.

It did so by agreeing to declare only 10 active gangs in the state as criminal organisations, after an earlier list of 27 gangs copied from 2009 New South Wales laws implicated an innocent social motorcycle club.
SA’s attorney general, John Rau, said the 10 gangs to be declared – which include the Hells Angels, the Rebels and Bandidos – were a “clear and present danger” to the community.

Bikie gangs face toughest crackdown yet under South Australia's proposals