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Society News

Four bears fell asleep on a tree in the city center

A she-bear with three cubs from Virginia, USA, fell asleep in a tree in the city center, writes SfGate.

According to media reports, the bears wandered into the city at night, after which they examined the surroundings and climbed a tree. In the morning they were found sleeping by local residents, who reported this to the police. The officers who arrived at the scene decided not to wake the animals.

Moreover, the police advised people living near the tree not to leave the house if possible. Casual passers-by were forbidden to approach the bears so as not to disturb their peace.

It is reported that the bears later woke up on their own, climbed down from the tree, walked along the street and walked back towards the forest. None of the people or animals were injured as a result of the incident.

Earlier, two bears in California climbed into a woman's car and ruined the interior.

Four bears fell asleep on a tree in the city center