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Ukrainian woman filmed how she gave her little son vodka

In Odessa, a mother forced her own young child to drink strong alcohol, and filmed the process of persuasion. The portal "News N" informs about it.

It is clarified that the mother offered her son, probably a preschooler, vodka, but he persistently refused, pushing the glass away and arguing with his mother. Then the woman pointedly added children's juice to the alcohol. Then the boy emptied the glass.

All this time, the woman behind the scenes either laughed or wondered what and why she was doing. When the child drank alcohol, he almost immediately spat out the liquid and began to clean his tongue. This reaction seemed to amuse the mother, and she did nothing to help her son get rid of the unpleasant sensations.

Earlier it became known that in Ukraine a sewer manhole killed a ten-year-old child. According to the investigation, in March in Lviv, a Mitsubishi car ran into a sewer hatch, which flew out of the attachment point and hit the windshield of an Acura moving along the next lane. The hatch broke the glass and hit a ten-year-old boy in the passenger seat. The child died on the spot.

In this case, suspicion was announced to two public utilities workers, they face up to five years in prison.

Ukrainian woman filmed how she gave her little son vodka