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Doctors named the main reason for calling an ambulance in the first half hour of the new year

On New Year's Eve, the number of ambulance calls increased in Moscow due to injuries from firecrackers and fireworks. Writes about this "Moskovsky Komsomolets".

According to the newspaper, a 12-year-old schoolgirl who was beaten by her father became the very first patient in the ambulance this year. The child was admitted with head and hand injuries and was hospitalized. The details of the conflict were not specified.

Doctors note that most of the calls in the first half hour of the new year are associated with injuries from pyrotechnics - for example, with a spark in the eye or burns to the face. Several times calls were received at a minimum interval - about once a minute. It is noted that all the victims received the necessary medical assistance.

The day before, lawyers recalled the punishments for launching fireworks in the wrong places. In particular, it is forbidden to blow up pyrotechnics during mass events, also on the territory of cemeteries, historical and cultural monuments, national parks and reserves, as well as at sites with a high fire hazard.

Doctors named the main reason for calling an ambulance in the first half hour of the new year