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Russia - Rabbi told whether it is possible to wish Jews a Happy New Year

Russia ( - You can congratulate Jews on the New Year, but it is celebrated only in secular Jewish families from the countries of the former USSR, said President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FEOR), Rabbi Alexander Boroda.

- Of course, congratulating Jews on the New Year is appropriate, - RIA Novosti quoted him as saying. - But representatives of ultra-Orthodox communities often do not even know about such a holiday and in no way associate their life order with it.

The tradition of celebrating the New Year, according to him, is characteristic of Jews living in the post-Soviet space, moreover, "who grew up in secular, secular families, which are the majority - this correlates with the general culture of celebration not only in Russia, but also abroad, where the New Year is not very popular. "

It is interesting that the previous Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu even wrote down New Year's greetings especially for Russian-speaking citizens, "realizing how important this day is for them."

You should not ignore the holiday, because it is associated with warm memories from childhood and an atmosphere of sincere fun, not confined to any officialdom.

“But still, New Year cannot be called a completely secular holiday,” the rabbi noted, “it has religious roots. Therefore, a Jewish family adhering to traditions is unlikely to call Santa Claus and Snegurochka to children; it is also not customary to decorate a Christmas tree.

Russia - Rabbi told whether it is possible to wish Jews a Happy New Year