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The State Duma opposed regular benefits for the unemployed

Svetlana Bessarab, a member of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, believes that benefits for the unemployed on a permanent basis do not make sense. This is reported by URA.RU.

“I think this is an unpopular measure, although we have not yet conducted a survey of the population on this matter,” Bessarab said.

She cited the example of Switzerland, where the cantons voted against this measure, as employed citizens who pay taxes do not quite understand why they should support the unemployed.

Bessarab said that the state considers it more expedient to increase the amount of maternity capital, child benefits and other social measures for vulnerable citizens.

“Already now, Russian President Vladimir Putin is talking about helping families with children begin long before the baby is born and continue until the child finishes school. Such measures will be considered again in the new year, ”said the parliamentarian.

Earlier, the Russians were told about the benefits they should receive at the pre-retirement age.

The State Duma opposed regular benefits for the unemployed