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Eleven BAD jokes from George & Lial on 3rd January 2022

First bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Girlfriend joke

When your friend gets involved with someone it affects the friendship when ever a friend of mine has a new girlfriend ,we should say I looked like the person you used to know but I’ve been modified to survive in this relationship if we have an argument and she’s there I might disagree with you I’d rather countinue to see her naked.

Second bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

America joke


Third bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Funny joke

This shit is disgusting but funny

Fourth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Orphan joke

What did the orphans mom say to him when he got into trouble?

Nothing because he doesn’t know his parents…

Fifth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Brother joke

Me and my little brother were playing Call Of Duty. He wasn’t doing very good so I told him so. My brother said to me, “at least I don’t have to camp in order to get kills”. I then responded with, “I would call you cancer, but at least cancer kills”.

Sixth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Depression joke

Wanna hear somethin’ ironic?

When one cutter tells another cutter to stop, but he himself can’t stop cutting.

Seventh bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Beat joke

I do t get why cancer is so hard to beat. I’m already on stage 4

Eighth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Sun joke

Why did the teacher were sunglasses? Because her students were so bright

Ninth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Depression joke

Y’all wanna hear a joke… My life

Tenth bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Ball joke

What did Cinderella say when she got to the ball?


Eleventh bad joke from George 'n Lial Bbabo

Helen joke

Did you know that Helen Keller has a swing in her backyard? Neither did she

Eleven BAD jokes from George & Lial on 3rd January 2022