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Society News

Half-naked Chinese 'Spartan' legion strut through East China

Do you remember the legion of half-naked Western “Spartan Warriors” who marched Beijing’s Sanlitun area in July and subdued by police? Well here's the Chinese version in East China.

On Saturday (Sep 19), 18 muscular Chinese men dressed as Spartans paraded through the streets and shopping malls of Xuzhou, East China’s Jiangsu province.

The shirtless men wore bronze shorts, arm and leg guards and capes styled after the attire of people in the ancient Greek city of Sparta, as well as dark sunglasses. They marched bare feet.

The scene attracted many female onlookers who rushed to pull out their smartphones to snap pictures. One Spartan said they were parading around to convey a more healthy and natural lifestyle to locals.

No arrests were made during this Spartan parade.

Half-naked Chinese 'Spartan' legion strut through East China