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A Group Of Migrants Broke Into A Truck And Came Face To Face With A Polar Bear

A group of migrants in Calais, France, hopped onto the back of a lorry bound for the U.K. and stumbled upon some unusual cargo – a polar bear. Needless to say, the group was surprised to see Nissan, a 22-month-old male polar bear,but nevertheless stayed inside the vehicle.

The truck, bound for Yorkshire Wildlife Park, was in the middle of slow-moving traffic when the group climbed aboard. French police were alerted to the migrants presence and they were asked to vacate the truck. Strict regulations govern the transportation of animals and all regulations were reported to have been followed.

Nissan was born at Russia’sIzhevsk Zooin December 2013, and was being transferred to the U.K. as part of a breeding program.

A Group Of Migrants Broke Into A Truck And Came Face To Face With A Polar Bear