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The Russian figure skater after the hire needed the help of doctors

Russia ( - Russian figure skater.jpgany Zagorski, performing in a duet with Jonathan Gureiro, barely left the ice after a free dance at the Russian Figure Skating Championships in St. Petersburg.

For Zagorski and Gureiro, this was the first full run of the season..jpgany suffered from strep meningitis and the couple missed a lot of training and competition.

During the performance of the free dance,.jpgany fell and barely finished the second part of the program. At the side, the trainers gave her a sniff of ammonia, and then carried her away in their arms to the rooms under the stands. Doctors went to help the skater.

After the rhythm dance, Zagorski and Gureiro were fourth, but after the free one they dropped to fourth.

The Russian figure skater after the hire needed the help of doctors