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Russian toboggan wins her first World Cup victory of the season

Russian luge Tatyana Ivanova won the sprint at the seventh stage of the World Cup in Sigulda, Latvia.

In her attempt, she showed a result of 31.241 seconds. The second was the German Natalie Geisenberger (31.255), the third was the Austrian Madeleine Egle (31.272).

Another Russian woman Viktoria Demchenko finished fourth.

This is the first victory of the season at the World Cup stages for the Russian sled dog. Earlier on Sunday, Ivanova was third in the regular start in Sigulda, Demchenko was third in the second stage in Sochi.

The luge was hospitalized after the error of the workers of the track of the Olympics-2022. Diaries of the Olympics The next stage of the World Cup will be held in the German Oberhof from 15 to 16 January.

Russian toboggan wins her first World Cup victory of the season