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Russia - 8,000-year-old ruins of an unknown city discovered in China

Russia (, - In China, archaeologists during excavations in the north of the country discovered the ruins of more than 70 houses, whose age reaches 8000 years. This fact alone makes the found settlement one of the oldest in the world.

According to, the ruins were excavated at Banner Balingou, a prehistoric site called "Wulantuga" in northern China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

The discovery was made by the mission of the Regional Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology. She studied an area of ​​about 20 thousand square meters. As a result, the remains of dozens of structures, partly underground, were discovered, including residential buildings, which may date back to the Neolithic era. More than 40 ash pits and one burial were also found on the site.

As the researchers note, at the moment a little less than 80 houses have been excavated. The analysis showed that at least a dozen of them were built about 8,000 years ago. It is interesting that they were built according to a standard project. In each house, archaeologists have found a standardized kitchen with a "stove" in front of which a vertical container with a flat bottom was buried in the ground.

Archaeologists have found that these containers are filled with ash. According to them, such a kitchen setting is a huge rarity for the ruins of that period, which indicates a significant scientific value of the finds. In the ancient settlement, scientists also found many artifacts, including stone tools, bone products, pottery and other relics. Some tools found are reported to be prototypes of later stone tools.

Russia - 8,000-year-old ruins of an unknown city discovered in China