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Graphene will help significantly improve wireless communication

Researchers from the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne in Switzerland created a custom graphene-based device capable of significantly increase the speed and efficiency of wireless communication systems.

Most Portable, Wireless communication systems are currently equipped with miniature customizable diagrams transmitting and receiving data in various frequency bands. The only problem is that modern technologies in which silicon or metal is used are poorly working at high frequencies, where data is transmitted much faster.

Researchers have found a solution that allows wireless systems to work both at low and High frequencies with unprecedented efficiency.

A new graphene device replaces custom capacitors installed in all similar systems. The device "sets up" diagrams for different frequencies in such a way that they work in a wider range. Due to some properties of graphene, the technology consumes a small amount of energy, and its performance at high frequencies is high.

Graphene will help significantly improve wireless communication