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Actor Gennady Yukhtin was hospitalized

People's Artist of Russia Gennady Yukhtin was hospitalized in serious condition, according to REN TV.

Yukhtin was admitted to the hospital on February 7. The 89-year-old actor cannot speak, he is weak and short of breath. Yukhtin was diagnosed with viral pneumonia, PCR test for coronavirus was positive.

For the first time, Yukhtin began to feel the symptoms of the disease on January 27.

Gennady Yukhtin was born on March 30, 1932 in the Kuibyshev region. Filmed in the films "Spring on Zarechnaya Street", "The Elusive Avengers", "The Brothers Karamazov", "Aqualungs at the Bottom", "The Rumyantsev Case", etc.

Earlier it was reported that actress Zinaida Kiriyenko was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer after being hospitalized with coronavirus. Now Kirienko is in intensive care, she suffered a hemorrhagic stroke, partially paralyzed. It is also known that on February 8, she received a positive test result for coronavirus.

Actor Gennady Yukhtin was hospitalized