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Art News

Aziza broke up with an Italian businessman on the eve of the wedding

Singer Aziza broke up with her husband, Italian businessman Alessandro Lorte. This is written by "Interlocutor" with reference to the artist's friend, designer Anika Kerimova.

The 57-year-old star told her husband about the break before the wedding. “He has already flown to Italy. Aziza told him not to return. Sasha, of course, is very upset. He didn't expect her to say that. But Aziza believes that a family cannot be complete without children. And she could not give birth to heirs, ”Kerimova explained.

According to Kerimova, Aziza is sure that in Italy there will be a girl who will give birth to a man's son. “Aziza loves Sasha, but she sacrificed her feelings to make him happy. This act can only be applauded,” she concluded.

Earlier, the artist said that the in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure, which was performed on a surrogate mother to conceive her child, was unsuccessful. She refused to repeat the procedure.

Aziza broke up with an Italian businessman on the eve of the wedding