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Hospitalized actress Kiriyenko found cancer

Actress Zinaida Kiriyenko was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer after being hospitalized with coronavirus, Channel Five reports.

Now Kirienko is in intensive care, she suffered a hemorrhagic stroke, partially paralyzed. It is also known that on February 8, she received a positive test result for coronavirus.

The hospitalization of Kiriyenko became known on February 10. Telegram channel "112" wrote without reference to sources that the 88-year-old actress is in critical condition. The 88-year-old actress became ill at home: she stopped responding to loved ones and responding to external stimuli, lost consciousness for a short time.

Zinaida Kiriyenko became widely known after the role of Natalia in the film by Sergei Gerasimov "Quiet Don", also played in the films "Love in Russian - 2", "Two Captains", etc.

Earlier, the son of the actress Maxim said that Zinaida Kiriyenko is in intensive care.

Hospitalized actress Kiriyenko found cancer