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Hermitage cats got into the popular board game

Hermitage cats got into the popular American board game Cultures of the world, representatives of the State Hermitage Museum told VKontakte.

Each country in this game is dedicated to a separate card with interesting facts. “Movies are made about Hermitage cats, articles are written in, books are written, and recently we learned that our fluffy employees also got into the board game!” - shared in the Hermitage.

The card says that 74 cats work in the Hermitage, guarding works of art from rats, and they have their own house - in the basement. “Now, of course, there are much fewer cats in the Hermitage, and we are always happy when one of them finds a home and a loving family. But indeed, in the basement of the museum there is a real “Cat House”, and we even showed it in special online tours,” the museum clarifies.

The Hermitage cats were first settled in the Winter Palace by Peter I - he brought a cat here from Holland. Cats did not live here only during the blockade of Leningrad.

Earlier it was reported that the Hermitage cat Achilles predicted Russia's victory over Finland at Euro 2020.

Hermitage cats got into the popular board game