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Star Star Factory Irina Dubtsova underwent emergency surgery

The star of the show "Star Factory" Irina Dubtsova spoke on Instagram about the operation.

The singer did not name the reasons for the emergency surgical intervention. “In life, there is not only covid and all its varieties. I am a living organism that has slightly failed, ”explained Dubtsova.

The operation went well and she is now recovering. The concert in Moscow, which was supposed to take place on February 4, had to be postponed due to illness to March 7.

Earlier, humorist Elena Vorobei on the program “The Stars Came Together” recalled how she called TV presenter Maxim Galkin to dissuade her father from having an operation in the village. The artist said that one day her father needed a complex heart operation - stenting. However, the man decided to trust the doctors from the "Belarusian village". After that, she called Galkin, who at that time "resolved issues" with his heart. The TV presenter advised Sparrow of good specialists, and the comedian's father, on the recommendation of Galkin, went to Moscow for treatment.

Star Star Factory Irina Dubtsova underwent emergency surgery