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Volochkova starred in a candid photo shoot after breaking up with a bath attendant

Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova posted on Instagram a series of candid photos in which she poses in her underwear.

“In the course of recent events and provocations, this beauty made me smile,” Volochkova wrote.

Fans of the ballerina shared their opinion regarding which set of underwear suits her best. They also praised Volochkova's figure and showered compliments on her appearance. However, there were also those who decided that this was a kind of way for the dancer to "revenge" her former lover, bathhouse attendant Sergei. The man left the ballerina because of "acts that cannot be forgiven."

“Beautiful, especially in the last photo”; “Why would he put it out like that? There will be no sense ”; “Anastasia, you have a beautiful figure for your age, God forbid everyone”; “Nastya, smile better. And never cry for men again. You need to love yourself more than anyone, ”wrote the fans.

Previously, beloved Volochkova announced the breakup with the ballerina.

Volochkova starred in a candid photo shoot after breaking up with a bath attendant