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South Korean Zombie TV Show Leads Netflix

The world's top streaming service Netflix topped the South Korean series about the zombie apocalypse "We are all dead." The Daily Mail writes about it.

The new show took first place on the platform in just a few days. It leads in the number of views in more than 25 countries, including Australia, France, New Zealand and Japan. In the US, the project takes second place - it comes second after the series with Kristen Bell "The Woman in the House Across from the Girl in the Window."

The main role in the South Korean show was played by actress Lee Yu-mi, who became famous thanks to "The Squid Game". The plot of "We're All Dead" tells about the spread of a zombie virus epidemic in a school in the city of Hyesan. Students have to fight to avoid becoming these monsters.

Earlier it was reported that the Russian organization Safe Internet League became interested in the South Korean TV series The Squid Game. According to representatives of the "League", the organization is waiting for the opinion of expert psychologists on the possible harmful effects of the show on teenagers after complaints from parents.

The Squid Game is a multibillion-dollar merciless survival game series. The project breaks all records for views, memes based on it flooded social networks - and even competitors praise the creators of the drama for their courage and originality. Educators from different countries have already complained about the scenes of brutal murders that children began to act out at school after watching the show. Read more about "The Squid Game" in the material.

South Korean Zombie TV Show Leads Netflix