Bbabo NET

Art News

The fight happened at the concert Vorovaek

Fans of the Vorovayki chanson group started a fight when they stood in line for autographs of the group's soloists. The incident occurred on February 12 after a performance by artists in the Kuzbass village of Promyshlennaya.

The public “Incident Kuzbass” posted a video where you can see a fight with the participation of lovers of “thieves” music. Both men and women were involved in the fight. Participants in the conflict threw one of the girls to the floor and pulled her by the hair.

According to the Kuzbass Incident Telegram channel, Olga Shumkina, the first deputy head of the district, was beaten at the Vorovayek concert.

According to the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kemerovo region, after the appearance of the corresponding video on the network, an inspection is being carried out.

“An inspection is underway, the results of which will make a decision in accordance with the law,” the regional head office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said.

The department also indicated that there were no reports of a fight to the police.

Earlier, at the KTZ Palace of Culture in Kaluga, one of the spectators tried to go backstage and got into a fight with the staff of the recreation center.

The fight happened at the concert Vorovaek