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Art News

Premiere of Morbius with Jared Leto postponed due to omicron

The release of the film "Morbius" by Daniel Espinosa, starring Jared Leto, was pushed back to April 1, 2022 due to the spread of the new omicron coronavirus strain, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Prior to that, the premiere was scheduled for January 28th.

Sony and Marvel Studios have already postponed the release of Morbius several times - so, it should have been released in October 2021.

In the film, Jared Leto plays the scientist Michael Morbius, who suffered from a rare blood disorder and turned himself into a living vampire in an attempt to heal.

Earlier it was reported that the 64th National Academy of Arts and Technology Grammy Awards in 2022, "most likely", will be postponed for several months due to the spread of the new strain of the coronavirus "omicron".

Premiere of Morbius with Jared Leto postponed due to omicron