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Kharlamov apologized to gays

Comedian Garik Kharlamov covered Valery Meladze's song "Se la vie" on his Instagram, changing the words in it in such a way that the track acquired a pronounced LGBT orientation. However, the comedian immediately apologized to the gays and clarified that he did not want to offend anyone in this way.

“I have always been straight, but I have known a different love. Damn you, that gay club called "Ce la vie", - Kharlamov sang.

He clarified that the illness prompted him to sing: Kharlamov has been at home with a fever for several days. According to the humorist, it is forgivable for sick people to sing "everything that comes to the head." He stressed that the song does not make any sense, and apologized to the LGBT community and Valery Meladze for his work.

“I immediately apologize to Valery Meladze! In front of all gays, straight people, gay clubs and before the village-vi! The song does not carry any meaning, except for a set of words for a well-known motive. Filled with a temperature of 37.7 ", - signed the post Kharlamov.

Earlier, Dzhigan was sued for promoting homosexuality.

Kharlamov apologized to gays