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Japanese “very interested” in realizing Polish nuclear plant

Deputy Treasury Minister Zdzisław Gawlik has held talks with his Japanese counterpart concerning the eventual building of Poland’s first nuclear power plant.

Gawlik commented in a statement that Poland is counting on the participation of Japanese technological expertise, describing it as a key factor in the ultimate decision on whether the plant will be built in Poland.

Japanese Deputy Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Yosuke Takagi has confirmed that both the government and Japanese companies such as Hitachi, Toshiba, and Mitsubishi would back the endeavour and were “very interested in this matter.”

In a bid to allay fears about Japan's 2011 Fukushima power plant disaster, Yosuke Takagi claimed that “these companies have the best and the safest technologies in the production of nuclear energy.”

Japanese “very interested” in realizing Polish nuclear plant