Andrey Girinsky, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Economics of the People's Friendship University of Russia, told how working Russian pensioners can increase their pensions. He explained in an interview with the Prime agency that the fixed part of the insurance pension, as well as the individual pension coefficient, have not been indexed since 2016.
“If a pensioner works, then the pension is not indexed, but upon retirement, the pensioner receives indexation. Of course, there is a (theoretically) way to get indexed as you go. To do this, you can quit and, having received indexation, go to work again, ”Giinsky suggested.
The expert added that such laughter is difficult to implement in practice. The reason is that in Russia it is difficult for pensioners to get a job officially, especially with a good salary.
Previously, the conditions for retirement at the “old” retirement age became known. Larisa Sorokina, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Economics at RUDN University, spoke about them. She clarified what it takes to start receiving pension payments at 60 for men and at 55 for women.