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Mironov demanded to cancel the credit debts of Russians

The leader of the Just Russia - For Truth party, Sergei Mironov, proposed introducing a credit amnesty for those who cannot pay their debts. He announced this in the Telegram channel.

Mironov noted that data on a record number of defaulters on loans destroy the government's myth about the growth in incomes of the population. In order for growth to become real, it is necessary to carry out a credit amnesty.

“Credit amnesty is needed for those who are unable to repay the debt. It is also necessary to liquidate predatory microfinance institutions (MFIs) and start paying out a fair basic income, ”the politician wrote.

According to him, since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, the Just Russia – For Truth party has called for the release of citizens who cannot repay them for one reason or another objective reasons.

According to Mironov, instead of MFIs, it is necessary to create a state bank that will issue loans at minimum rates.

On February 15, the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) reported that in Russia the number of persistent non-payers in 2021 had increased to 8.6 million. million

Mironov demanded to cancel the credit debts of Russians