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Senior Vice President of Sberbank spoke about modern business approaches to building effective teams

Senior Vice President, Head of the HR Block of Sberbank Natalya Dudina described the modern labor market.

“Employers compete strongly with each other. According to Rosstat, in 2021 the number of vacancies increased by 72%, while the number of resumes grew by only 1%. Why did it happen? According to the sum of many factors: on the one hand, demographics are affecting, labor migration flows are changing, and self-employment is growing. But, on the other hand, the views and approach of people are changing: how to choose a job, what place work should occupy in life. These changes are massive, significant and very fast.

Not only Sber, all leading companies are focused on working with personnel. Flexible work formats, career development, corporate culture, social responsibility, care for employees and their families - now all major employers are convinced that this is important, it is necessary to pay attention to this and seriously invest in it. Salaries and benefits no longer motivate today's professionals. Insurance and cookies in the office are nice, but many offer this, ”she said.

Dudina also told what tasks are in the focus of the largest companies today.

“More people are looking for creativity, exciting tasks, self-realization, drive and excitement in their work. And here "Sberu" with its scale, diverse interests and commitment to the future has something to offer. In order for an employee to feel satisfied, psychologically prosperous and, therefore, to be loyal and efficient, a combination of tangible and intangible motivators in balanced proportions is needed.

But what kind of motives and what proportions are very individual and, moreover, changeable.

The focus now is to give people more than they expect from the employer. In order to remain a successful team, we are constantly looking for such features and, what is important, we are implementing them on the scale of the entire Sberbank, for all employees,” she noted.

In addition, Dudina told how Sberbank develops age inequality.

“We have a “School of New Professions” for retraining for IT and Data specialties, applicants 50+ successfully pass an intensive course at School 21.

I myself recently participated in the program of our corporate university “Reboot 55+. New meanings and possibilities. The program helps to revise your competencies and values, suggests where you can more effectively apply the accumulated experience. It also emphasizes our advantages, which are sometimes lacking for young people: the absence of barriers in communication, life experience, common sense and logic.

At the end of 2021, we launched a marathon study together with the Stanford Center for Longevity. We look forward to confirming our hypothesis that teams of different ages are much more effective,” she concluded.

Senior Vice President of Sberbank spoke about modern business approaches to building effective teams