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Makfa responded to accusations of reducing the size of the packaging

The head of the Makfa press service, Yulia Bobyleva, said that the pasta manufacturer did not reduce the size of its portions, RBC reports.

“In fact, Makfa did not reduce any weight of the product. We have pasta both weighing 400 g and 450 g, and it has always been like this,” Bobyleva said.

She added that among their products is and always has been miniature soup dressings weighing 250g. According to her, the company could just as well be accused of reducing the weight of the product from 450g to 250g.

Earlier, Kommersant wrote about how food manufacturers reduce the size of packaging while maintaining the cost of goods. This number, referring to a source in one of the retail chains, claimed that Makfa introduced pasta in a package of 400 g instead of the usual 450 g.

The topic of reducing product packaging while maintaining value is being actively discussed on social networks.

Makfa responded to accusations of reducing the size of the packaging