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Food prices in Turkey are 20% higher than global average

Food prices are 20 percent higher than the global average in Turkey due to speculative price-hiking, said Şemsi Kopuz, the head of the Food and Beverages Associations Federation of Turkey, adding the country should use imports if it wants to reach its year-end food inflation target of 9 percent.
Kopuz addressed the dramatic rise in food prices in the country, which was around 20 percent higher than the global average.

“Due to harsh weather conditions, we saw significant yield losses in many agricultural products, mainly in cereals and fruits, and this pushed prices up in many products. One week ahead of the holy month Ramadan, the prices are still very high, and this is not normal,” he added.
According to Kopuz, the prices were still high due to speculative moves.

Food prices in Turkey are 20% higher than global average