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The Central Bank announced the approach of the Russian economy to a state of overheating

Kirill Tremasov, director of the monetary policy department of the Central Bank of Russia (CB), said that the Russian economy is at the limit of its potential. According to the expert, it is close to the state of "overheating", as evidenced by the situation on the labor market. Tremasov spoke about this in an interview with Yevgeny Kogan, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor at the Higher School of Economics, on his personal YouTube channel Bitkogan.

“Most likely, we are already above the trajectory of our potential capabilities,” the specialist pointed out. He also added that the labor market is precisely the key constraint to long-term growth.

Further growth of the economy can be ensured primarily by increasing productivity, Tremasov is sure. In turn, the increase in productivity depends on competition, the expert said.

Tremasov said that the state of the labor market for economists is one of the best indicators of where the economy is in relation to its potential.

The expert noted in Russia a historically low unemployment rate with a maximum of vacancies. These factors form a shortage of labor resources.

Economic Development Minister Maxim Reshetnikov called unemployment in Russia "abnormally low."

Earlier it was reported that a 20% increase in labor productivity in Russia would free up 1 million builders.

The Central Bank announced the approach of the Russian economy to a state of overheating