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The economist named the months in which it is most profitable to take a vacation

Eduard Matveev, a financial expert and author of the Lesnaya Birzha project on finances for children, said in a conversation with URA.RU that people whose salaries depend on the number of working days are most profitable to take a vacation in March, August, September and December.

“Let's say you work 10 days less in January than in the rest of the months, but you get the same salary. It turns out that your one working day is more expensive. And if you take extra days in addition to the same January holidays, it turns out that you will receive less for these days than you received as a salary, ”he explained.

If you count the working days in each month, it turns out that it is best to go on vacation in the first month of autumn, winter and spring, as well as in the last month of summer, the economist summed up.

Earlier, the director of the United Broker company, Artem Arzamastsev, named the easiest, most reliable and secure way to buy currency.

The economist named the months in which it is most profitable to take a vacation