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In Northern Ireland, it will be forbidden to smoke in the car with passengers

The Minister of Health of Northern Ireland (autonomous political-administrative part of Great Britain) Robin Swann announced the forthcoming ban on smoking in the car in the presence of children.

In addition, in principle, it will not be possible to smoke in a closed car if there is more than one person in it. Disobedience faces a £ 50 fine. If the offender who smoked with the child does not pay the fine, then his case can be brought to court, the radio station RTE notes.

It is expected that the new rules will complement the current legislation, which already prohibits smoking in certain places, including in work transport, where those who wish to drag out are not alone. As part of the upcoming bill, the authorities intend to prohibit the sale of any smoking products like electronic cigarettes to persons under 18 years of age. In addition, it will be considered an offense if someone, at the request of a minor, buys him such a smoking device. In other parts of Albion - England and Wales - since 2015, drivers and passengers have been banned from smoking in cars with minors. A similar law has been in effect in neighboring Ireland since 2016.

What about us?

In Russia, there is a direct ban on smoking for drivers involved in the transportation of passengers. That is, if a bus driver carrying passengers smokes, then he faces liability under Part 1 of Article 6.24 of the Administrative Code - a fine of 500 to 1.5 thousand rubles. This prohibition does not apply to taxi drivers. There is also no ban on smoking in private cars, although in 2019 there was serious discussion about the need to introduce such a ban. The arguments of the initiators were as follows: how is smoking while driving different from talking on the phone? It also distracts the driver from the road. But the matter did not go further than talk. It is possible, of course, by analogy with public transport, to prohibit smoking in a car if there are passengers in it, and even more so children. But here several nuances arise at once. And if the passenger is also a smoker and also smokes in the car? And the second more important question: how to control it? Recall that cameras in Russia can record violations and issue fines in automatic mode only for violations of traffic rules or landscaping. It is simply impossible to issue a fine in automatic mode for violation of health protection requirements.

In Northern Ireland, it will be forbidden to smoke in the car with passengers