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Russia - Operational headquarters: 5,490 new cases of COVID-19 detected in Moscow

Russia (, - The Operational Headquarters for Control and Monitoring of the Coronavirus Situation in Moscow reports: 5,490 new cases of coronavirus infection have been detected in the capital. This is almost 37 percent more than the day before, when there were 400 8 new infections.

767 people were hospitalized per day. There are 512 people on the ventilator.

Another 2,857 patients have recovered in the city after undergoing treatment for coronavirus infection. The total number of people cured of the infection increased to 1,899,550. 71 patients died in the capital, all were diagnosed with pneumonia and tested positive for COVID-19.

The operational headquarters reminds: victory over the pandemic is vaccination. Get vaccinated against COVID-19 at one of the outpatient clinic-based vaccination centers or outposts in popular public places. Detailed information is published on the website.

Russia - Operational headquarters: 5,490 new cases of COVID-19 detected in Moscow