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Dodon proposed 4 measures to bring Moldova out of the crisis

Moldova (, - The head of the Moldovan-Russian Business Union, Igor Dodon, suggested that the authorities of the Republic of Moldova (RM) take urgent measures that, in his opinion, can prevent a “deep economic crisis” in the country. The agency publishes its proposed anti-crisis Action Plan, aimed at supporting the population, business and economy of Moldova in the conditions of the energy crisis.

"Every citizen of Moldova, regardless of political and ideological preferences and views, understands that our country is in a deep energy and social crisis, which is likely to lead to a deep economic crisis. I am sure that with the right and competent decisions on the part of this government, the situation could have been avoided.

What to do?

Of course, we need a systematic, comprehensive anti-crisis government action plan, which the current leadership has not developed in 6 months. But since it is not and is not expected in the near future, I propose 4 specific measures (indicating possible financial sources of coverage) that can help the population and economic agents survive this crisis period.

1. Reduce and freeze the level of tariffs for energy resources for the period until April 1, 2022 (until the end of the heating season, since all forecasts show that the level of energy prices will go down in the spring).

2. Tighten state control over price formation.

3. Provide social assistance to vulnerable groups of the population.

4. Adopt a package of government measures to stimulate the economy and help the real sector of the economy.

To ensure this set of measures, external long-term loans can be taken. This will be money not spent on consumption and current consumption (as, unfortunately, is happening now) but investments in the economy that will create a solid foundation for further economic growth and make it possible to return all the money invested due to the growth of revenues to the country's budget.

Most of these measures have experience of practical application in different countries. Some of them we implemented during our administration in the Republic of Moldova.

I am confident that this approach will significantly change the current critical socio-economic situation in the country. Moreover, this will help the current government, from a political point of view, to get out of the impasse into which it has entered, and will restore the confidence of the country's population in the leadership of the country, and in the future of Moldova as a whole.

The current government must immediately include all of the above points in their work!" Dodon said.

Dodon proposed 4 measures to bring Moldova out of the crisis