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Corridors with thousands of ancient graves found in Saudi Arabia

Australian archaeologists have announced the discovery of a giant network of so-called "burial alleys" in Saudi Arabia, hiding at least 18,000 ancient human burials, reports the Daily Mail.

According to experts, the graves were dug out about 4.5 thousand years ago, because. during the bronze period.

The discovery was made thanks to scanning the territory of two oases - Al-Ula and Khaybar and the lands adjacent to them.

A large-scale study involved a helicopter, from which aerial photography was carried out, and satellite images were also analyzed.

According to researchers, the length of the "funeral alleys" with the tombs located along the length can be thousands of kilometers.

Moreover, archaeologists note that some of the burials, by their location, resemble jewelry on a chain, which makes them look like “alien circles”.

Corridors with thousands of ancient graves found in Saudi Arabia