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Mass killer Breivik to sue Norway for 'inhuman treatment'

As reported by Reuters, mass killer Anders Behring Breivik goes to court on Tuesday to accuse the Norwegian state of inhuman treatment, in a case that is raising questions about how to deal with a man who killed 77 people in 2011.

The militant right winger is appearing in public for the first time since his 2012 trial. In that time, he has had just one visitor, his mother, who was allowed into prison and gave him a hug shortly before she died of cancer in 2013.

Breivik, 37, will argue that his isolation in Skien jail violates a ban on "inhuman and degrading treatment" under the European Convention on Human Rights.

Oslo's office of the Attorney General says there is no case to answer, saying in pre-trial documents: "there is on evidence that the plai.jpg has physical or mental problems as a result of prison conditions".

Mass killer Breivik to sue Norway for 'inhuman treatment'