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El Pais journalist who published US responses to Russian proposals is in Ukraine

One of the authors of the sensational publication in the Spanish newspaper El Pais, which on the morning of February 2 published the text of the US and NATO response to Russian security proposals, is in Ukraine.

Ibay Arbide, a journalist from Greece, is on a business trip in Ukraine on the instructions of Pais, RIA Novosti reports. According to him, he got the text of the answer thanks to several sources. He does not intend to disclose these sources.

"From the very beginning, I knew that the source was reliable, that the documents were real, but, despite this, they checked for authenticity from other sides," RIA Novosti quoted Arbide as saying. He also noted that he did not think "that the publication of the text of the answer could have an impact on the negotiations, since the positions reflected in the documents are not so different from those publicly voiced. But there were some questions that we did not know about and that are interesting. I there is no intention to interfere in the course of negotiations, and it is unlikely that I will be able to do this, I am just a freelancer."

Moscow unveiled its security proposals on 17 December. In particular, they refer to the refusal to expand NATO to the East, to accept Ukraine as part of the Alliance, to establish military bases in the countries of the former USSR, and to refuse to deploy NATO offensive weapons in Eastern Europe.

El Pais journalist who published US responses to Russian proposals is in Ukraine