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Boris Johnson found a way to justify lockdown parties

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is likely to deny violating the epidemiological rules and tell the police that he was working on the night of one of the alleged Downing Street parties. The Daily Mail writes about it.

The day before, the London police began sending out "questionnaires" to 50 people from Downing Street, who, according to preliminary data, attended illegal parties during the lockdown. The publication notes that Johnson and his wife have already received the documents.

“Johnson will be proving to investigators that the Downing Street apartment can also be a workplace – this is how he will explain his presence. The officers ... will then have to decide if this is considered "reasonable excuse" and, if they are not satisfied, the Prime Minister may be asked to meet with investigators in person before a final decision is made.

If, after interrogation, officers are not convinced that Johnson's presence at the alleged party was legal, he could face a fine, and his future as prime minister would be even more in jeopardy.

Parties by Britain's political elite have been held several times during the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, the publication of an invitation to a party that took place in May 2020 caused outrage. It was sent an hour after the ban on citizens of the country to gather more than two. It invited guests to "enjoy the beautiful weather" and urged them to bring their own drinks.

Johnson attended at least six parties, police said, and are investigating.

Earlier, the head of the London police resigned because of the scandal with the investigation of Johnson's parties.

Boris Johnson found a way to justify lockdown parties