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Former US officer acknowledges Russia's military advantage over NATO

Former US officer Brent Eastwood said that Russia has an advantage over NATO because of tactical nuclear weapons. He wrote about this in an article for 19Fortyfive.

“Moscow certainly has a numerical advantage over the US and NATO. The Russians have about 2,000 tactical nuclear weapons, while the Americans have only 200, with 100 deployed in Europe and the rest kept at home. This is a ten to one advantage,” the author writes.

He noted that Russia would not launch a first strike with strategic nuclear weapons using an intercontinental missile or bomber, but could resort to using tactical weapons in combat. The author explained that tactical weapons have less power and range.

Eastwood added that he considered it unlikely that Russia would use nuclear weapons.

Earlier, Director of the Department for Non-Proliferation and Arms Control of the Russian Foreign Ministry Vladimir Yermakov urged the West to think about the danger of deploying American nuclear weapons in Europe.

Former US officer acknowledges Russia's military advantage over NATO